Links to other Dice Resources and Communities

Dice DBMichael Schäffer’s dice database, with comprehensive information on different dice manufacturers and brands, including photos and listings that can help you IDing unknown dice.
Würfelsammler.deMichael Schäffer’s private dice collection with images and information on all the dice in his collection. The filter function can help you find dice if you’re looking for something specific.
DiceCollector.comKevin Cook’s dice website which houses lots of information about dice as well as Kevin’s whole database. (Kevin Cook is the world record holder for owning the most dice in the world.) Fair warning, the website is not very aesthetically pleasing or user friendly.
Dice Maniacs’ Club Facebook GroupThe oldest dice collecting Facebook group with daily activity — be it sharing news and information about dice, photos of new purchases, dice ID help, giveaways and much more dice related stuff.
Goblin Dice Hoard Facebook GroupOne of the newer but larger dice collecting Facebook groups that is very active and loves everything about dice.
Dice Collectors Facebook GroupAnother dice collectors Facebook groups with fewer members and regular posts about dice.
Speckled Dice Collectors Facebook GroupA Facebook group dedicated to the Chessex Speckled dice and their fans.
Dice DiscordDiscord community for dice enthusiasts where we discuss dice aplenty and often.
Dice Maniacs’ Club BlogThe blog connected to the Dice Maniacs’ Club Facebook group with all sorts of interesting information about dice, although it is no longer being updated. (I used to write for them in the past.)
Playing at the WorldGames blog with an article specifically on how to identify 1970’s dice
Awesome DiceThe blog for the online shop with the same name. They regularly post information about dice, but also use the blog to advertise products in their store.