The Oddball Dice Series #2

For the next two weeks, I will make daily posts where I’ll spotlight unusual or lesser known dice that I have in my collection that I hope are interesting for everyone to see and learn about. Each day I’ll cover a different theme, I hope you enjoy this series.

Unusual Chessex Mould Oddities

Perhaps “oddities” is the wrong word for these, since most aren’t all that odd, they’re just not the moulds we’re used to seeing and that we think of when we talk about these dice.

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The Oddball Dice Series #1

For the next two or so weeks, I will make posts where I’ll spotlight unusual or lesser known dice I have in my collection that I hope are interesting for everyone to see and learn about. I will try to cover a different theme each day, I hope you enjoy this series.

Off-Colour Oddities

Sometimes it happens that dice come out in a way that wasn’t intended, be it wrongly coloured material, an odd material mix, unintended abnormalities in clarity or opaqueness or just… strange things that aren’t supposed to be that way.

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Final Names for the Chessex Pound o’ Dice 2023 Sets

The names for the exclusive sets that are distributed in the little brown envelopes together with the Chessex PoDs get voted on in a Speckled Collectors group on Facebook every time they release new sets. Below are the names for the current run that are now in circulation.

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Dice History – The Danish Edition

I recently came across a dice set on a second hand platform that caught my eye, because it looked like the Chessex Opaque urea dice out of the Danish Dan-Tern factory, but it curiously had a bottom-read d4 in a mould I had never seen before. My curiosity piqued, I went ahead and purchased said set.

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Reference Guide: Ancient & Gold Mist

I recently wrote a post on why the Ancient vs. Gold Mist names that collectors differentiate are actually a myth, but nonetheless is it useful to have this distinction in the dice collecting community. In a nutshell, collectors now differentiate between the somewhat darker and swirlier Ancient variant and the lighter and more misty Gold Mist variant of these dice.

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The Idiosyncrasies of Dice Naming

If you’ve been in the dice collecting community for a while, you might know that collectors sometimes give things names in order to tell certain dice apart that may look very similar or just to have a name for something specific that wasn’t quite disguished in that way by the company who made the dice.

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Dice Digest — October 2021 (#21)

Here’s all the dice releated news from October that have caught my eye.

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Dice Digest — September 2021 (#20)

Here’s all the dice releated news from September that have caught my eye.

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Dice Digest — August 2021 (#19)

Here’s all the dice releated news from August that have caught my eye.

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Dice Digest — July 2021 (#18)

Here’s all the dice releated news from July that have caught my eye.

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